Leftover Citrus

I have to admit, I hate wasting food. Whether it is leftover bits of meat, or roasted vegetables, I try to find a use for them. Let’s just say everyone on the team wonders what I will put in the next frittata or pocket pastry.

Living here in Florida lots of fresh citrus, apples, and other fruits are available in stores and on the local trees. A lot of recipes out there call for a half orange, lemon, or slices of this or that. So what can we do with the leftover fruit?

Here are some awesome options to consider.

  1. Stuff a chicken with pieces of citrus before roasting or grilling
  2. Take the zest off the rind of any citrus and add it to soups and stews
  3. Use zest to add a fresh note to roasted vegetables
  4. Leftover pieces of citrus with granulated sugar and bake low and slow or drop them in a dehydrator
  5. Mix zest into softened butter and then harden into compound butters
  6. Marinate pork, chicken, beef, and lamb in a citrus and spice mix
  7. Apples blend great with citrus to add a sweet depth to slow cooking
  8. Slice apples in half, core them, cover each with a thick slice of citrus, and then bake with cinnamon and brown sugar
  9. sandwich fruit between shrimp, scallops, or pieces of fish and grill or bake and serve with a green salad that contains the zest from the same fruit

I hope these ideas help you take the next step in enjoying fruits beyond the first dish. Get creative and share with our team!

About the author


Our tireless senior editor, works to help people overcome obstacles and improve their lives through good food, constant learning, and new adventures. He loves to challenge ordinary people to become extraordinary in the kitchen, and their lives.
