How Many Calories in a Whole Chicken?

Ever wonder if you sat and ate a whole average sized chicken what you would get out of it?

Here at Flavorful Science we love to remove the mystery behind food and open it up for everyday people. We reached out to our science friends at the USDA to get some hard data on how many calories are involved.

If we ate the ENTIRE chicken we would consume about 1275 calories. Considering that the average recommended caloric intake for women is 1600 – 2400 and for men it ranges from 2000 to 3000 calories. This means we can eat a whole chicken and still have some calories for a piece of bread and brownie.

What else would we get from that whole chicken? We would get 130 – 140 grams of protein which is about 2 days worth. We would also get about 75 grams of fat in a mixture of mono and polyunsaturated fats with no dangerous trans fats in the bird.

So, should you eat a whole chicken in one meal? No, probably not, but it would not be the end of the world. Better a whole chicken than a whole cheesecake, but that is a different episode. So stay tuned!

About the author


Our tireless senior editor, works to help people overcome obstacles and improve their lives through good food, constant learning, and new adventures. He loves to challenge ordinary people to become extraordinary in the kitchen, and their lives.
