Share My French Press By Mark / April 26, 2019 Yes, I said MY french press. As all the staffers laugh about it, they still come to me to make the coffee. I gave up making drip coffee unless we have a bunch that want the same coffee all the time. I have a great drip machine, don’t get me wrong, but a good cup […]
Share Cutting Boards By Mark / April 26, 2019 Cutting boards provide a safe flat surface for cutting food, a much better choice then countertops or plates. Cutting boards can be made from almost anything ranging from wood to plastics, to composite materials. Even horrible ideas like glass or stone are used to make “cutting boards”. NEVER ever cut on a glass or stone […]
Share Tongs – Tongs – Tongs By Mark / April 26, 2019 Tongs are a necessity for almost every kitchen. Everything from moving things in a skillet to stirring pasta are easy tasks for quality kitchen tongs. Here at Flavorful Science we use one of these two almost every day. The first is a professional grade set of tongs with no added features. They are sturdy, work […]
Share Spatulas Done Right By Mark / April 19, 2019 Spatulas are an absolute necessity in my kitchen. A good spatula saves your cookware, saves your hands, and promotes better mixing and cleanliness. Everyone remembers, or has, an old wooden spoon they cook with and love. But they are harder to keep clean. This is why you do not see them in restaurant kitchens. They […]
Share Bench Scraper to the Rescue By Mark / April 12, 2019 A bench scraper, also known as a dough scraper or pastry scraper is one of those kitchen tools often overlooked by average home cooks but used routinely in a professional kitchen. The only single use tool in my kitchen is a fire extinguisher. Most people do not have the luxury of huge kitchens, unlimited storage, […]
Share Kitchen Shears By Mark / April 12, 2019 Kitchen shears are a great addition to any kitchen, no matter how small. It is one of those tools that more and more home cooks are discovering that really saves time and makes short work of some jobs that are hard work for knives. (More on knives here) New Cooks Let’s face it, one of […]
Share One Knife | Which Knife? By Mark / March 15, 2019 If you could only own 1 knife Most cooks, chefs, and even those that do not know how to cook, own a drawer full of knives. Knives are passed down from one person to another, and sometimes they are picked up at whatever eye catching sale is on. Two of the biggest perceived obstacles that […]