About the author


Our tireless senior editor, works to help people overcome obstacles and improve their lives through good food, constant learning, and new adventures. He loves to challenge ordinary people to become extraordinary in the kitchen, and their lives.


Roasted Vegan Brussels Sprouts

By Mark / April 12, 2019

Brussels sprouts can now be found in most grocery store produce sections. The old days of frozen blocks of Brussels Sprouts in some weird sauce thankfully are disappearing. Boiled, gummy, and stinky Brussels Sprouts are a thing of the past. Fresh Brussels Sprouts bring a great mild fresh flavor that compliments everything from fish to […]


Bench Scraper to the Rescue

By Mark / April 12, 2019

A bench scraper, also known as a dough scraper or pastry scraper is one of those kitchen tools often overlooked by average home cooks but used routinely in a professional kitchen. The only single use tool in my kitchen is a fire extinguisher. Most people do not have the luxury of huge kitchens, unlimited storage, […]


Kitchen Shears

By Mark / April 12, 2019

Kitchen shears are a great addition to any kitchen, no matter how small. It is one of those tools that more and more home cooks are discovering that really saves time and makes short work of some jobs that are hard work for knives. (More on knives here) New Cooks Let’s face it, one of […]


Artful Asparagus

By Mark / March 29, 2019

Fresh crisp asparagus is inexpensive and plentiful this time of year from February to June and super quick to cook. By adding just a few ingredients you can make a great side boasting a range of different flavors. A few notes about asparagus. Thick asparagus, any larger than a thick pencil will require you to […]


Brown Butter

By Mark / March 26, 2019

What IS brown butter? One of the least expensive and flavor satisfying fats to cook with is brown butter. It adds a rich, concentrated, almost nutty depth to vegetables, eggs, and proteins. Many chefs tend to lean toward glugs of commercially available oils instead but grandma knew. Brown butter was likely discovered as a byproduct […]


5 Spices | Essentials

By Mark / March 15, 2019

Long before civilization, writing, and about 10 minutes after we discovered cooking with fire, our ancient ancestors found spices. They figured out that adding certain roots, plants, and minerals made food taste better. And, as mankind immigrated across the globe, the necessity for preserving food for the long journey ahead became a necessity for survival. […]


One Knife | Which Knife?

By Mark / March 15, 2019

If you could only own 1 knife Most cooks, chefs, and even those that do not know how to cook, own a drawer full of knives. Knives are passed down from one person to another, and sometimes they are picked up at whatever eye catching sale is on. Two of the biggest perceived obstacles that […]


Easy Avocado Toast

By Mark / March 15, 2019

The key to avocado toast is two fold. The first, do not make it difficult. We end up hating difficult food. The second is, only make it with foods you enjoy! If eggs are not your thing try it with some ham, chopped fresh fruit or salty bacon. We will explore a range of options […]


Leftover Citrus

By Mark / March 15, 2019

I have to admit, I hate wasting food. Whether it is leftover bits of meat, or roasted vegetables, I try to find a use for them. Let’s just say everyone on the team wonders what I will put in the next frittata or pocket pastry. Living here in Florida lots of fresh citrus, apples, and […]


Oven Baked Hard Boiled Eggs

By Mark / March 15, 2019

Hard boiled eggs are a great item to keep on hand. They are a great, easy to digest protein. Hard boiled eggs are also extremely versatile, whether eaten alone, on a sandwich or salad, and in many cold and hot dishes. Unfortunately, controlling the process and dealing with a pot of boiling water can be […]

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